Wednesday 21 November 2012

Pushing ahead now #Nano Day 20

I actually skipped a day, yesterday - no moments free at work, absolutely tired from late night, went to bed early.  But I was already ahead, and so it was allowed.

Tonight I got home, turned on the football (non-verbal inspiration) and sat with a clipboard and felt-tip, trying to sketch out a way to go...

I don't only have blind alleys to worry about, but also multiple outcomes/options, both equally difficult to deal with.  The first needs ways to get out of having painted myself into a corner, and the second involves throwing away perfectly good ideas I have treasured since the first brainstorm.

But once I got down to words they went well, in spite of phone call interruptions, forlorn dog, and all that.

As it was 'no more Mr NiceGuy year, I am now planning on how to kill of the bad guys, or leave them so humiliated or helpless they can never retaliate.  Oh, and I have to rescue one of the good guys.

And stuff.

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